Hello Chapter Leaders,
This communique is intended to open the dialogue between Chapter Presidents and the State Leadership of the AR Sons of the American Revolution. While this specific communique is to all the chapter leadership, future communications from me will primarily be to chapter presidents.
Chapter Presidents, please be sure to read the attached presidential notes re the Leadership counsel (this was emailed and a copy is on the ARSSAR Minutes page).
Also, Chapter Presidents, please insure the Chapter Secretaries maintain the NSSAR member database, in particular the email addresses of the membership. This is the only source of information available to NSSAR and ARSSAR to get communications information. FYI, when I sent out the State Conference information via email, there was roughly 35% rejected email due to invalid address.
Finally, please provide the State Secretary with your most recent NSSAR Change of Officer Forms. The Listing of Chapter officers we and NSSAR has is outdated and incomplete.
I know this is a lot to ask of volunteers but we need your help. Together we can build a better AR-SSAR.
Thanks for all you do. David Dorrough President AR-SSAR
