When you read my message to Chickasawba, I think you will be proud of an Eagle Scout of the Year and will want to share the message with the other SAR Chapters.

We have an Eagle Scout to be proud of and a reason for pride in our own Arkansas Sons of the American Revolution. Some three years ago, the Arkansas state winner of the SAR Eagle Scout of the Year was Noah Smith. He was chosen as the most outstanding Eagle Scout because of his accomplishments, his service, and his work toward understanding the American Revolution and tracing his own ancestors. Noah was the youngest Eagle Scout of the Year we have ever had, but his remarkable qualities and accomplishments brought him the title as determined by the judges for the award and scholarship. Within the Boy Scouts is an organization for older Scouts who have a love for the programs and have adopted the Scout ideal of service. This organization is called The Order of the Arrow. This group of boys and adults serve Scouting in many ways, from encouraging younger boys, teaching younger boys, and setting an example for younger boys to setting up camp and then staffing camp. My last year on Staff, when I was in charge of the young men on Staff, every one of them was a member of the Order of the Arrow. Their pay was only an allowance. They truly served as volunteers. When Noah won our SAR competition, he was already deeply involved in the Order of the Arrow and was chosen to head his local chapter. This made him a member of the Council wide Lodge leaders and very quickly he was chosen the Lodge Chief. As Lodge Chief, he led his boys in competition in the several states district and this group then elected him their Chief. This brought him into contact with the top boy leaders of the Order of the Arrow nationwide and they elected him National Vice-Chief, the position he holds right now. Tomorrow, Noah, as National Vice Chief, will make a major speech to the Scouts on a nationwide broadcast. Perhaps this quick history will tell you of Noah's personality, leadership ability, drive, and attention to the job at hand and attention to all the people involved. I have known Noah and his family, including his grandfather, since Noah was a little boy. I can tell you that he is a dedicated Christian, a patriotic American, a proud Arkansan, and he represents our hope for the future. Be proud. Allen Bush