Attached is the program for our meeting and a picture of some silent auction items that we have collected thus far. Also, there will be raffle tickets available for some U.S. Marshal Museum merchandise to be drawn Friday night. Please post this and send out to your State Societies.
If you haven't reserved a hotel room, I would encourage you to go ahead and do that now. We ran out of rooms, but I have added a few more but they are going fast. Registration for the meeting is also attached.
Our silent auction items will hopefully bring in a little money. For example, the "Possibles" bag, located in the center of the picture was hand made by one of our members from deer hide then tanned, and the front has beaver teeth and deer antler buttons. These bags were used to carry everything a hunter would need for the day and the powder horn also goes with the "Possibles" Bag.
Charles McLemore
